Ecohome Improvement

is now Mod Cabinetry

JUNE 1, 2020

We are announcing today the biggest change to our business since we opened our doors more than 15 years ago.

We have recently retired flooring, paints, stains and sealers departments and will be focusing entirely on Mod Cabinetry, a line of modern and contemporary kitchen cabinets.

If you need cabinetry, Mod is the leading provider of modern and contemporary cabinets and produces American-made cabinets for homeowners, apartments, multi-family and subdivisions at a wide range of price points. The Mod Cabinetry showroom remains in its current location, open by appointment and via online collaboration.

The flooring, stains, sealers departments and the walk-in retail section have been permanently retired, and is closed for walk-in customers and we are no longer taking orders.

We are excited about the change and we are grateful for all the customers who have supported us along the way! Thank you for all of you who have helped us build Mod Cabinetry into the strong brand it is today. And thank you to all our flooring, stains, sealers, paints and plaster customers over the years, we will miss seeing you!

With much gratitude for the many years of conversations and dedication to Ecohome Improvement.

Taja and Nina

Check here for a list of resources to find products such as Monocoat and services such as flooring installation.
